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Chapter Motto:  Kappamen is who we are, Kappa is                                     what we do!

Charter Date:      January 11, 1976

Locality:               Western Suburbs of Chicago, IL

History of Maywood-Wheaton Alumni Chapter


"In the Beginning........"


The idea to organize the Maywood-Wheaton Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi was conceived by Brother John C. Vaughns.  In September of 1974, he discussed the idea with Brother Donald Randolph.  Following several additional discussions, and contacts with other Kappas in the West Suburban Chicago Area, a meeting was scheduled.

In January of 1975, Brothers Vaughns and Randolph were joined in a meeting by Brothers Leroy Sturgis, Jessie Bell, Charlie Thurston, and Robert Fowlkes at the Lemon Tree Restaurant in Maywood.  The Brothers compared notes and decided to contact additional Brothers in the area to obtain their feelings on the idea. 

Though no minutes were taken at this meeting, in reality it was the first meeting of the chapter.  On Tuesday, February 25, 1975, Brothers Vaughns, Randolph, Sturgis, Bell, Thurston, and Fowlkes met at Washington School  and decided to initiate action to establish a new chapter.  This meeting was landmark not only because of the action taken, but the first minutes of the chapter were recorded in Brother Vaughns' notebook as were all other minutes of the pre-charter meetings.  Brother Eldridge Freeman was contacted and invited to meet with the group to provide advice on the proper procedure in applying for a charter.


"The Great Snow Storm Meeting"


On Thursday, April 3, 1975, three Brothers met with Brother Freeman in what became to be known as "THE GREAT SNOW STORM MEETING" This meeting was held the night following the big April storm of that year.  Only Brothers Vaughns, Randolph, and Sturgis were able to "mush" to the meeting with Brother Freeman.   How Brother Freeman made it to the meeting, only he knows.  In any event he was present and provided all of the information needed to apply for a charter.  Not only that,  he provided encouragement to the three Brothers that were able to make, and he encouraged the Brothers not to give on on the idea of Brother Vaughns.  Encouraged  by the visitor's remarks and experience in such matters, the Brothers made plans for the May meeting and left the meeting with renewed resolve.  Twelve Brothers attended the May meeting and attendance increased at each meeting through the remaining months of 1975.

In June 1975 the following Brothers officially  petitioned the Grand Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. for a charter to be granted to the "West Suburban Alumni Chapter"

Jesse Bell, Robert Caffey, Reynold Corbin, Robert Fowlkes, Theaodis Gary, Edward Hillary, Eric King, Terry Mallory, Donald Randolph, Phillip Ragan, Leroy Sturgis, Charles Thurston, John C. Vaughns, Lee Wade

In September of 1975, chapter officers were chosen and committee appointments made.  A Constitution Committee was established which was chaired by Brother Donald Bland.  Other members of the committee who developed the constitution adopted in November of 1975 were Craig Wiley, Lee Wade, Leroy Sturgis and Donald Randolph.

"First of the Firsts"


In October of 1975, the Brothers held a party for their wives. This party served to get the wives acquainted with each other and resulted in a boost in publicity for the budding chapter.  Word spread rapidly that the Kappas were organized. This served as a catalyst to kindle the interest of other Greek-Lettered organizations in the Western Suburbs to organize.  Soon the AKA's (several of whom, not coincidentally were spouses of Kappas) were organized.  They were followed shortly by Alpha Phi Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, and Omega Psi Phi.

Kappa Alpha Psi officially became the first predominantly African-American Greek-Lettered Organization to be chartered  the Chicago Western Suburbs when Brother Floyd Campbell, North Central Province Polemarch presented a charter to the Maywood-Wheaton Alumni Chapter on January 11, 1976.  The name Maywood-Wheaton was selected by the petitioners when Grand Chapter insisted on a city or combination city name.

The chartering ceremony proved to be something really special.   In addition to the visiting Brothers Raynet Lewis, Chicago Heights Alumni Chapter, Floyd Campbell, North Central Province Polemarch, and  Eldridge Freeman, Past North Central Province Polemarch, our REVERED FOUNDER BROTHER EDWARD G. IRVIN was present at the chartering ceremony.

"First Officers and Members"


FOUNDER IRVIN installed the first officers of the new chapter and charged the chapter to continue and strive for achievement, ever working for the good of all mankind.  The officers installed were: 














In addition to the Brothers who signed the petition for charter, the following Brothers were active charter members of the Chapter: Donald Bland, Homer Branch, Thomas Brock, John Daniels, Wayne Lewis, Craig Wiley.

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